TASTE OF ANATOMY with Julie Gudmestad

Date: 26th June

Time: 7 – 9 pm

BACK STRENGTHENING: The Other Core Muscles

When people think about “core strengthening” they usually focus on the abdominals, but the muscles of the back and posterior pelvis are important core muscles too. Not only do they help support the spine and pelvis, but when strong, they can also help prevent common strains and pains in the back. Additionally, we need their help in stabilizing the centre of the body in our asana practice, including in standing poses, backbends, and inversions.

In this class, we will first look at the anatomy of a few of the important muscles of the back body, and then practice poses that will make them work. The class will build sequentially from easy to more challenging, so participants will learn how to gradually and safely build strength, while building good spinal alignment into their yoga poses.

The class is intended for students with at least a year of asana practice.

Please bring a mat, block, blanket, and strap, and also have a chair handy.

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