Date: Saturday, 1st February 2020

Venue: Nagle Rice Hall, Marino Institue of Education, Griffith Avenue, Marino, Dublin 9


9.00am-9.30am:  Registration

9.45am:  Official Opening by the President of Marino Institute of Education, Dr. Teresa O’Doherty.

10.00am: Talk by Helen Mason from The Minded Institute U.K.

10.45am: Short speech by Sabrina Higgins

11.00am: One hour yoga class led by Heather Mason. – Bring your yoga mat, blocks, belts etc

12.00pm:  Chanting for All Led by Connie Walsh and YTI past pupils

12.45pm:  Lunch

1.45pm: Introduction to Ayurveda by Dr. Rajvinder Kaur from The Ayurveda Centre

2.45pm:  Yoga research from Trinity College by Michael Melynchuk

3.30pm:  Yoga Flow demonstration followed by Yoga Flow to include all attendees – led by YTI teachers and trainees
Music by Jack Harrison

16.00pm: His Excellency Indian Ambassador to Ireland Mr. Sandeep Kumar and Founder Members to speak.

16.30pm:  Party till 7pm.


Cost: 54 euro for the full day event including evening reception or 18 euro for the evening only.

Booking is now closed